Monday, February 07, 2005

Much to do about Nothing, Monday morning mutterings

Congratulations Patriots! And thanks Eagles for keeping it close. How many Super Bowls have effectively been over at halftime? Good game!
Speaking of halftime....I didn't watch it. Really who cares anymore? (Except the media, more on that later.) The halftime show had lost it's appeal to me long before the "wardrobe malfunction" controversy. At best it was a joke, something to be made fun of and at worst an embarrassment. This year, I wasn't the least bit interested. Ho hum. I changed the channel.
The expensive commercials used to interest me. You can almost always determine the target market sponsors seek from what kind of products they advertise. Since I have never bought a pick up truck nor been much of a beer drinker I have never been part of that target market, at least in the past.
This year I liked the ad with monkeys. What person hasn't felt at least once that they were working with monkeys? Amusing with widespread appeal, but I can't remember the name, a job sourcing company?
Truthfully I didn't watch all the commercials. Ho hum. I turned the channel.