Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Problems in Paradise aka Blogger Blues

Sorry! It's been one thing after another...I can open my blog but I can't post. Sometimes I can't even find myself. No I'm not having identity problems, or on some existential trip but Blogger seems to be testing me. Just how much frustration am I willing to tolerate? One day I didn't have any links. That was weird, alone floating within the blogosphere, no direction, no connections, my favorite places just out of reach. I have since corrected that problem. But it makes me wonder, what will be next? So I'll be quick.
Some of the things I will be working on in April: It's POETRY MONTH. So I'll have to celebrate by posting short little ditties and providing links (if able) to favorite longer ones.
I am also, anxiously looking forward to receiving my new bass viola da gamba. I actually commissioned an artist/craftsman to copy an original on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art over a year ago. This is a huge treat for an amateur like myself and I am very excited. When it arrives I will probably post photos and possibly a small audio sample.