Thursday, July 28, 2005

Back from Dereliction: Credit CNN

Ok I've been bad, very bad. I haven't posted in over a week but it doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of things to write. I have a long list of topics. You can credit Lou Dobbs at CNN and his "report" on the CAFTA agreement last night for making me break my silence. What follows is an unequivocal rant.

First of all, I haven't watched CNN in years and I haven't seen Lou Dobbs since his departure to join the ill- fated enterprise which failed miserably and resulted in Lou returning to CNN. As much as I respect and admire entrepreneurs and business people willing to take risks and make difficult decisions, Lou Dobbs is no business man. Apparently the years of watching and reporting on the business markets has not given him any personal insight or expertise. Nevertheless, I still expect some level of professionalism which means in this case an unbiased presentation of facts. Please allow me and your viewers to draw their own conclusions. Of course, I know CNN rarely allows this.

The "so called free trade agreement" CAFTA was compared to NAFTA, a terrible failure in the eyes of Lou and his guest economist, a professor at Columbia University. Apparently NAFTA has not only been bad for America but has directly impacted the increase in poverty within Mexico!
5 minutes online provides numbers that directly refute this conclusion. U.S. Agricultural exports have increased by 59% since NAFTA's implementation far surpassing the increase of imports. Nor did Lou or his guest mention Mexico's peso devaluation, rampant corruption, or the Chiapis conflict (an uprising amongst indigenous people led by Marxist separatist Zapistas). You think these factors may contribute to Mexico's economic problems? Canada was conveniently absent from the discussion, I suppose because their economy has grown by an average of 3.7% since 1994, undisputed results from NAFTA.

Ok so, Lou and his guest didn't provide any numbers or statistics to support their position. We are supposed to rely on them because they tell the truth. Oh really?
Insult turned into injury when Lou openly snickered at a Congressman's remarks that this agreement was also about National Security. That certainly revealed the low level of journalism and lack of professionalism practiced at CNN.

Despite Lou's ridicule, I understood what the Congressman said.
Free trade leads to economic freedom and economic freedom creates growth and prosperity. Doesn't encouraging international growth and prosperity (and everything it brings like health, education, innovation and opportunity) benefit the entire free world?
The Democrats have criticized America for selling arms to rebels, financing wars, giving too little and too much foreign aid that mostly ends up in the personal coffers of tyrannical despots. When it comes to making a real impact on decreasing world poverty and promoting freedom, Democrats support declining special interest groups (with often devastating results, ie. steel, textile and auto workers just to mention a few, in addition to the sugar producers...)

If America truly believes in freedom and prosperity for all, we must continue to do things to encourage it (and not just talk about it). CAFTA and NAFTA are steps in the right direction.

Regarding Lou Dobbs and his show, start looking for work buddy. Competition from reliable, factual, unbiased and professional sources are going to continue to kick your butt by reducing your viewers and eliminating your paid sponsors. Isn't free trade and economic choice great?