Thursday, March 03, 2005

Too Cool To Be a Neocon?

Many of my friends cannot believe it. How can a nice ( read- intelligent, creative, fun, caring, tolerant, hip, conscientious... or anything positive) person like me SUPPORT President Bush? How can I be a Registered Republican, you know someone from the DARK SIDE? They find it incomprehensible and insist I must be in the fringe...

For those who do not know my political affiliations, they simply assume that I am one of them, "the enlightened ones" or to steal a phrase from Thomas Sowell, "one of the annointed". The presumptions are staggering and if I did not find humor in their ill informed narrow views and their preponderance for stereotyping, I would be offended. But, hey I have a sense of humor, something else they can't seem to comprehend.

So what does this mean? My liberal friends apparently believe neoconservatives cannot be artists, or academics and that "they" couldn't possibly be interested in the arts or culture, or engage in any intellectual pursuits. "They" certainly couldn't reside in inner cities and live happily with respect and tolerance for diverse friends and neighbors. But most of all, they can't believe that "they" could be me.